Wine and Shallot Brussels Sprouts
It may shock you to learn that brussels sprouts have been one of my favourite vegetables since I was a kid. Most kids grow up hating brussels sprouts. The funny part is that was a rather picky eater. When I was younger, they only ever made an appearance during the holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's day there would be steamed brussels sprouts on the dinner table. It was always a given. My grandparents would host the events every year. Being english might have something to do with the sprouts being such a staple.

It's not unusual for us to have brussels sprouts (cooked any way) more than 3 times a week. Steamed brussels sprouts = the best! It might be boring but I really could live on steamed vegetables. Add some quinoa to that and I'll be all set!

A little tip, the best tasting brussels sprouts are small and young/ recently harvested. They are not quite so bitter and cook the best since they are fresh.
To prepare sprouts first you want to trim the ends of the stalk off. This bit is bitter, you don't want to eat it:

Then remove the outer leaves and give 'em wash. Next, if you are steaming them, you can either cut a little "X" into the end of each sprout (this ensures even cooking) or slice them in half.

This is a quick and easy recipe that doesn't skimp on any flavour. If you've had a hard time trying like this nutrient packed veggie then this recipe might just help you to acquire a taste for them. When cooked with wine and shallots they take on a golden crispy texture and an amazing caramelized flavour.
Wine and Shallot Brussels Sprouts
vegetarian, vegan, gluten free | makes 4 servings
Adapted from 101 cookbooks
- 1 lb brussels sprouts, stems trimmed and outer leaves removed
- 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 shallot, thinly sliced
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/4 cup dry white wine
- Pinch of sea salt and black pepper to taste
- Boil a large pot of water (or a pot fitted with steamer basket) and prepare an ice bath in a large bowl. Cut each sprout in half through the stem. Add sprouts to boiling water and cook until tender-crisp, about 5 minutes. Drain and add to ice bath. This will immediately stop the cooking process, reserving the sprouts nutrients and bright green colour.
- Heat olive oil in a very large skillet on medium heat. Add sprouts to pan, cut side down, and cook until browned on bottom, about 5-8 minutes. Stir in shallots and garlic and cook until fragrant and soft; 1-2 minutes. Add white wine, salt and pepper, and stir. Remove from heat and serve.
- If you are making a holiday dinner, these can be kept warm in the oven until ready to serve.
- Always look for brussels sprouts that are tightly closed together - they cook better and will have had less room for any dirt to get into them when growing/ harvesting.
- A bit of shaved parmesan cheese is a welcome addition when serving.
Nutrition Information
Serving Size: 3/4 cup Calories: 97 Fat: 3.9g Saturated Fat: 0.6g Cholesterol: 0mg Sodium: 81mg Carbohydrates: 11.9g Sugar: 2.6g Fiber: 4.3g Protein: 4g

I'm thinking this will be a hit at any holiday dinner table :)